Unable ot access FTP site...
(too old to reply)
Brad Pears
2009-01-22 17:43:37 UTC
We recently lost our win2k server (bad disk array) on which I had an FTP
site configured. Because we need to have this site up and running, I had to
configure our Win2K SBS server with the FTP site (using IIS). I pointed the
home directory to the new location for our FTP files and made sure the site
is in "running" state and everything appears to be fine. All the security
remains the same etc... etc...

However, when I try to access the site from outside, I can get through the
firewall no probs and am asked for the credentials. No matter what
credentials I enter (even me as an administrator) I just keep getting asked
for the credentials over and over...

What should I be looking for? Why won;t it display the FTP folder


Thanks, Brad
Brad Pears
2009-01-22 18:18:36 UTC
I have done some further testing and it turns out if I change the location
of my ftp site (home directory) to a directory on the local server (our
win2k SBS server) and sepcify a path like this "e:\ftpfiles" for the home
directory - it all works fine. It's when I have it set to a "share on
another computer" that I am unabale to connect. When I connect using "ftp"
from the command line, I attempt to log in but get error 530 - "user cannot
login, home directory is inaccessible"...

My share name is "\\true4\ftpfiles" which is located on a windows 2003
server. The folder security is wide open right now and it's still not


Thanks, Brad
Post by Brad Pears
We recently lost our win2k server (bad disk array) on which I had an FTP
site configured. Because we need to have this site up and running, I had
to configure our Win2K SBS server with the FTP site (using IIS). I pointed
the home directory to the new location for our FTP files and made sure the
site is in "running" state and everything appears to be fine. All the
security remains the same etc... etc...
However, when I try to access the site from outside, I can get through the
firewall no probs and am asked for the credentials. No matter what
credentials I enter (even me as an administrator) I just keep getting
asked for the credentials over and over...
What should I be looking for? Why won;t it display the FTP folder
Thanks, Brad