Group Policies
(too old to reply)
2008-11-17 14:37:05 UTC
Don't know if this is the correct group?

Running SBS2K and I'm about to switch on GP for all users, but I need myself
and my Directors PC not to use the this policy on our PC's, How?

Steve Foster [SBS MVP]
2008-11-17 19:36:56 UTC
Post by news.microsoft.com
Don't know if this is the correct group?
This is the principal group for SBS2000 questions, yes.
Post by news.microsoft.com
Running SBS2K and I'm about to switch on GP for all users, but I need
myself and my Directors PC not to use the this policy on our PC's, How?
What do you mean "switch on GP"? Group Policy is *always* on. It's a core
part of Windows.

If you mean you're building a new GPO, it won't be active until it's
linked in to the AD OU structure somewhere, and accessible to machines or
user accounts.

There are a number of ways to control what GPO is applied when:

* WMI Filters on the policy,
* security permissions on the policy,
* where it's linked in to AD

For example, in SBS2003, the SBS dev team use a WMI Filter to restrict the
Windows Firewall GPO to only XP SP2 or later machines (since that's when
it became the Windows Firewall, and the GPO settings have meaning).
Steve Foster [SBS MVP]
MVPs do not work for Microsoft. Please reply only to the newsgroups.
Gary Frizzell
2008-11-17 19:48:23 UTC
Post by news.microsoft.com
Don't know if this is the correct group?
Running SBS2K and I'm about to switch on GP for all users, but I need
myself and my Directors PC not to use the this policy on our PC's, How?